Classes, Workshops and Concerts!
Self-Help Clinic for Women's Health
Self-Help Clinic for Women's Health
The Self-Help Clinic is a gathering of women who want to learn more about their bodies through breast self-examination, cervical self-examination with a plastic vaginal speculum, and shared information from personal experience. By doing regular self-examination women can learn to recognize changes in their bodies that can indicate ovulation, common vaginal conditions like yeast and even early signs of pregnancy. A wide range of women's health topics are addressed including, menstruation, PMS, fertility, pregnancy, donor insemination, cervical caps, natural fertility detection, various birth control methods, hormones, menopause, sexuality, gender identify, LGBTIQ health issues and more! The Self-Help Clinic meets approximately monthly. Please call for date and time. Self-Help Clinic $5-$10 Donation Plastic Speculum $10 Donation A New View of a Woman's Body $29.95 plus tax Facilitated by: Suzann Gage, RNC, NP, LAc, Nutritionist - 619-260-0810 |
Mystic Poets Course- Class and Concert Series
"Do not go to the
garden of flowers! O Friend! go not there; In your body is the garden of flowers. Take your seat on the thousand petals of the lotus, and there gaze on the infinite beauty." -Kabir |
Mystic Poets Course- Class and Concert Series
Mystic Poets is a series of educational classes and concerts offered by Progressive Health Services and the San Diego Center for the Arts as part of their nonprofit Community Education Program. Mystic Poets Course - Class and Concert Series Syllabus Description and Purpose: Mystic Poets is a course that includes classes and concerts featuring the work of the ancient mystic poets Rumi, Hafiz, Kabir, Mirabai and Rabia, whose work and lives have inspired millions around the world. The course curriculum will include teaching students about these poet’s lives, work, spiritual inspiration, teachings, and their effect on their respective communities and the world at large. The poems of these ancient poets often refer to dancing and singing for joy and universal love. The devotional practices of these ancient poets were frequently expressed through music, song and dance as well as poetry. Students will hear and share samples of these poets work not only through verbal recitation but also as set to music, and will have an opportunity to participate in song and traditional dance via classes and concerts that will be open to the public. Required Materials: The CD Mystic Poets, by world music group Sound of Bhakti, a program of the San Diego Center for the Arts, will be part of the course materials used in the class and will contain biographical information on each poet as well as original music inspired by these poets work. The Mystic Poets CD is currently a work in progress. The CD can be purchased for the class from Progressive Health Services and the San Diego Center for the Arts, and will also be made available at each class session. The Mystic Poets CD is $10 donation. Recommended Reading: We highly recommend the following books that contain translations of poetry from Rumi, Hafiz, Kabir, Mirabai and Rabia and descriptions of each poets lives. These books are available on line through numerous book sellers. |
Course Outline:
The course will include five classes and one class concert.The five classes will each focus on one of the five mystic poets featured in the Mystic Poets course. Each class will present information on the poet’s life, their poems and their influence on the world. Class work will include lectures on each poets lives, selected reading of their poetry, and discussion, as well as examples of traditional inspirational music, dance and art/imagery. Students will be given an opportunity to create their own original inspirational poetry, songs, dance/movement and imagery. The five Mystic Poets classes will be coupled with a Mystic Poets class concerts. The Mystic Poets lass concert will focus on poems of the mystic poets as an illustration of the fact that many of the original poems were actually created as songs that were sung by the poets. These concerts will present original world music compositions by Sounds of Devotion set to adaptations of these poet’s work, as well as recitations, song and dance. The class concerts will include an opportunity for student participation and are open to the public. Class 1 - Mystic Poet: Rumi Class 1 will focus on the mystic poet Rumi, his life, poetry, spiritual inspiration, teachings, and his effect on his community and the world at large. Class 2 - Mystic Poet: Hafiz Class 2 will focus on the mystic poet Hafiz, his life, poetry, spiritual inspiration, teachings, and his effect on his community and the world at large. Class 3 - Mystic Poet: Kabir Class 3 will focus on the mystic poet Kabir, his life, poetry, spiritual inspiration, teachings, and his effect on his community and the world at large. Class 4 - Mystic Poet: Mirabai Class 4 will focus on the mystic poet Mirabai, her life, poetry, spiritual inspiration, teachings, and her effect on her family, community and the world at large. Class 5 - Mystic Poet: Rabia Class 5 will focus on the mystic poet Rabia, her life, poetry, spiritual inspiration, teachings, and her effect on her community and the world at large. Class 6 Mystic Poets Concert: Sound of Devotion Class 6 will be a concert format featuring all of the mystics with music inspired by their work, composed and performed by the world music group Sound of Devotion. The concert will include an opportunity for student participation and is open to the public. Faculty: Jeanette Kangas, MFA, MA, Director San Diego Center for the Arts Suzann Gage, BA Fine Arts, RNC, NP, LAc, Director Progressive Health Services Sounds of Devotion Ensemble: Jeanette Kangas: Music director, composer, percussion, guitar, keyboard, vocals Brigitte Chase: Flute Laurie Perez: Vocals Suzann Gage: Autoharp, swarmandal, tanpura, percussion Mystic Poets Classes and Concert and CD: By Donation- No one turned away for lack of funds Mystic Poets Classes: $10 Per Class by Donation Mystic Poets Concerts: $10 Donation Mystic Poets CDs: $10 Donation Mystic Poets Special Package: All 5 Mystic Poets classes, plus class concert and CD - Suggested Donation: $60 Mystic Poets Class and Concert Location: Please call for dates locations and times Contact: Suzann Gage: 619-260-0810 |
Vegetarian Diet and Nutrition Classes
Vegetarian Diet and Nutrition Classes How to choose and prepare foods for a lactovegitarian or vegan diet A growing number of people are seeking a healthy cruelty free diet but are concerned about getting enough vitamins, minerals and protein. These classes show you how to choose and prepare a wide range of healthy delicious plant foods, and, if you choose, organic dairy products such as milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese, cream and butter to create delicious and nutritious balanced diets for you and your loved ones. The classes also addresses a variety of food preparation styles including cooked and raw food diets. The Vegetarian Diet and Nutrition Class meets monthly. Please call for date and time. $5-$10 Suggested Donation Facilitated by: Suzann Gage, RNC, NP, LAc, Nutritionist - 619-260-0810 |